Monday, May 2, 2016

House Sitting Academy

What Would It take to Have Incredible Travel Adventures

That Actually Save You Money?

You love travel, and you would absolutely love to do a whole lot more of it. It makes you feel alive, brings out your sense of exploration and curiosity, like you are a completely different person out on the road away from the familiar.
But every trip you’ve taken before took a fair chunk of cash (or credit!) to make it happen.
Not to mention you’re done with being treated like a tourist, over-charged for meals and hotel rooms.
But you’re not a backpacker either, those days are long gone!
kitchen love
You now have standards that reflect the comforts of home.
You enjoy dining out, but it is just as important for you to cook your own meals and maintain your fitness and healthy lifestyle.
Festival in Bali
 And while 'ticking off' destination icons is important, you're seeking a deeper experience - you’re a different type of traveler now, one who is looking for ‘off the beaten track’ alternatives, providing heart-warming cultural experiences and slow travel immersion into a community.
But of course to make all of this happen, you need to work hard and save up, find room on a credit card, or sell an asset or two… maybe even spend your kids inheritance!
It seems impossible to travel more regularly, least of all as a lifestyle. So instead you’re still at home, dreaming of all the awesome things you’d love to experience… and see everyone else doing!Buying the full book please Click Here!


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